Happy Fall everyone! I am super excited!Bring on the cooler weather, hoodies,and the pumpkin dishes.......
Well, we are about to enter our third week of school. Its going fairly well. And my daughter is actually reading! Talk about miracles! I barely got her to read one book all summer,and here lately she has been begging me to read. This makes me very, very happy. We have finished our first two books with the sonlight program, and are about to start some new ones next week.Ill be perfectly honest though, Im not a huge fan of their LA program,maybe that will change.
Speaking of reading,right now i am reading the Seasons of Grace series by Beverly Lewis(my absoloute favorite author) and a book called Blue Like Jazz. Just thought you'd like to know.
Here lately, I have really been getting back into crafting. First I got caught up with my scrapbooking(im in 2009 now). My things were all out of order. I have recently became a huge fan of creative memories,especially their cutting system. I went to a crop(its like a scrapbooking party where everyone gets together and scrapbooks, or at least they are supposed to....lol). I also discovered a blog that got me inspired(see the bottom of my page for a link), so I pulled out the old sewing machine and made a bunch of really cute pumpkins. I attempted making a skirt, it went well until i tried to get the elastic in....lol. I will try again.
Other than that, there isnt a whole lot going on, which is a good thing, I guess. We decided not to do Junior Bible Quiz this year, so that has been a major change. They changed up alot of the rules this year,and DD didnt want to participate.Plus they werent going to go compete at other churches like they normally do. So, Im debating on whether we should look for something else to do, but we probably wont. I think God may be trying to clear our plate a little........