So, this past week the new season of Biggest Loser started. I will be following it, it is always inspirational to me to watch. I really got to thinking alot. All the sob stories. Abby who has lost her family, Shay who at 476 pounds, is the biggest contestant ever. The majority of them all had certain events trigger thier food addicition. I do not have an addiction, I just have a lack of discipline. Ill admit it. I started this year out with the highest of expectations............I have fallen soo short. Everything I have set out to do, every goal I had hoped to complete for myself has fallen by the wayside as far as my diet and loosing weight are concerned. I guess i need to look at the bright side, I have lost 20 pounds, and that is more than i have been able to lose in 9 years.............its not alot but it certainly a start. I have reached two conclusions in the past few days:
I have been fat all of my life. Its a part of me that i am afraid to lose. I dont know if I will like the new,physically improved person i may become because i dont know that person..............Now, i dont think i would go getting all self centered and stuff. I have never been that way, its not me. But what if? I like myself just the way i am..............why change?Other than the health aspects of it, why else?
The second conclusion i have come to is that I dont want something drastic to have to happen to make me get my butt in gear. Being a death or some other form of tragedy................and thats about all i can say without crying...............
I set a goal for myself at the beginning of this year, but what i failed to do was set other mini goals to work up to that goal.So here are a few of my mini goals i am setting up for myself the rest of the year:
no more caffeine(it stunts weight loss) and not to mention it depletes your calcium
exercise for at least 15 minutes once a day(will work up to more gradually)
no eating after seven PM. This one will be the most difficult, I think.
I would also like to knock out breads and pastas. I dont eat a whole lot of them, but when i do, they really mess with me.
These are just a few goals. I have attempted these before and failed. i would do them for about 2-3 weeks and then scratch it off my list and then continue back to the same thing as always.
Wish me luck, as i will you in all of you weight loss endeavors. Together we can do it =D
Essential.Absoloutely necessary or indispensable.A basic element or chief point. My name is Rachel. Welcome to my blog. Here I will ramble about all of the necessary elements of my life.Thanks for stopping by =)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Jon and Kate plus 8
I have been a follower for the shows Jon and Kate plus 8 and 18 kids and counting for years. Due to recent events, Ive stopped watching them however. I guess they just got old after a while. By now everyone knows about the very public break up of Jon and Kate Gosselin. Its very sad. But,its reality. It happens to people everyday. I, for one saw it coming years ago. Im not taking sides,but Kate, shame on you. The way you publicly treated Jon on TV was horrible. If you treat him like that in public, I hate to see how you treated him in private. Not that i am taking sides. But there were weeks I would watch and literally want to throw something at you because of the way you treated him. That is not how a wife is supposed to treat a husband.............granted, we dont know what goes on behind closed doors, and he may have deserved it at times,but still. In my years of watching, I never saw him demean you or disrespect you in front of the camera. I know life was stressful for the two of you. It shouldnt have been all ways about the kids. Somwhere along the way, the marriage became about the kids and not about Jon and Kate. Your husband should always come before your kids. God first, husband second, kids third, and then yourself. Everyone knows that.Marriage is hard work, and you have to invest time in it, go on dates,put one another before yourselves,etc. I heard , or actually read somewhere that Jon wanted to throw the series out the window years ago, and that you wanted to continue. Ride it for all that it was worth. If it werent for those little blessings, you wouldnt have been able to live it up and go on all those book tours,and eat steak and lobster dinners, and leave Jon at home with the kids for weeks at a time.Shame on you. and shame on you for continuing the series after the seperation. I dont know if that was your doing, but Im guessing it was. Thats pretty pathetic..............I for one think its sad and will no longer be watching.
And Jon, I am getting to you. What are you thinking having a relationship with a 23 yr old girl? Jon, you are still married, can you at least wait until the divorce is final? Sheesh. Would you like any of your girls parading around with a married man at 23 years of age?
So, those are my current annoyances as far as that whole saga is concerned. Im anxious to see Jons interview on tuesday on abc with Chris Cuomo.
I was going to touch on the Duggars, but will save that for another day.
And Jon, I am getting to you. What are you thinking having a relationship with a 23 yr old girl? Jon, you are still married, can you at least wait until the divorce is final? Sheesh. Would you like any of your girls parading around with a married man at 23 years of age?
So, those are my current annoyances as far as that whole saga is concerned. Im anxious to see Jons interview on tuesday on abc with Chris Cuomo.
I was going to touch on the Duggars, but will save that for another day.
Where I been

I honestly cannot believe it has been that long since I posted. The past two months have been extremely busy. Went to camp with my daughter(see pic above. This is the first time that I recall ever wearing a lifejacket, its not because I didnt care to wear one, just havent ever done anything that required,went to the very first cowboys game in their new stadium(which they won by the way). That has probably got to be the most fun I have had in a long was just like one big, huge tailgate party. People playing frisbee and other games in the parking lot,taking pics in a tricked out suburban(wish I could find pics of it, it was dallas Cowboy everything, right down to the seatbelts),it was just like one big, Dallas Cowboy happy family.
We also got a puppy last month. He was one of those you see people trying to get rid of in the Wal-Mart parking lot. This couple lived in the country, and someone dumped off a batch of puppies right in front of their we took one. he was the first one who looked at us, and now he is ours. We named him Boomer,which at first didnt seem appropriate,but now that hes getting older, the name fits

Other than that,not much else going on. I should be on here more blogging since things have calmed down a bit.................
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