Ok, it has been at least 2 seasons or more since I have blogged about AI Since the talent has been, in my opinion, over the top this year, i have decided to pick back up the AI torch. I am not bragging or anything, but I have called the winner out from nearly the beginning almost every season. With the exception of Kris Allen......... Can I just say, and Id never thought Id be saying this, how much I love Steven Tyler. I have never been a huge fan,except for his early 90s stuff, but man, I think he is just what this show needed. I like jennifer too, and I am soo glad randy is still there to keep them in line............
Well, today I wanted to blog about the Milwaukee auditions, and I am going to try to blog regularly.
Ok, so I am kindve glad they decided to lower the age requirement. ,man, the 15 year olds have been tearing this thing up. I feel kindve bad for the "older ones" My thought is that if they are going to lower the age requirements, they should up it as well(Hint hint)
So, Miwaukee, lets start with Scotty, their very first audition. man, what a voice. But, in my opinion, he sounded a little too much like Josh Turner and it sounded too forced. Hes good, but I dont think he'll make it to the top 24.......
Bring in Emma, the 15 year old who drove herself and her entire family 16 hours to the auditions. Very pretty voice. I liked her song pick, true colors by Cindi Lauper. Randy made the comment that she would get eaten up in Hollywood, and not in a good way. I would have to agree. She just doesnt seem to have the maturity, but we shall see.
Next, there was
Naima aka "the toliet scrubber". While I dont necessarily like her voice, or at least her audition, I think she has an awesome look, a very marketable one. I think, if she does make it through, she will go far based on that. How awesome of a story that would be. From toilet scrubber to pop star. Sounds like a good made for TV movie =)
Ok, did anyone catch the 54 year old dentist
Chris kammer? They only showed him for about 5 seconds. What a pathetic sad attempt at trying to become the next "Pants on the ground" guy "get out the Brush, get out the brush......"
Then there was
Jerome Bell,the wedding barmitzvah singing guy. I have a really hard time picturing this guy singing at a barmitzvah....lol. and i know i spelt barmitzvah wrong. He sung marvin gayes Lets get it on. Very strong audition, he will be in the top 24 for sure........
15 year old
Thia megia(try saying that 5 times fast) came in and sang "Chasing pavements. Another 15 yr old going to Hollywood, as does
haley Reinhart...............she was just Ok for me.
Then there was
vernicka"loving you is easy". She said no to Hollywood.Vernicka, you are beautiful, but you couldnt sing..........and well, if you think you are fat, maybe you should try Biggest Loser.....lol
Daycare Worker
Tiwan Strong gets the award for best reaction from supporters........."To God be the Glory" To God be the GLory". I think he'll make top 24.
Next was the accountant
Steve Beghun, who shocked us all. I dont think he'll get far, but for a number cruncher, he was alright.............
Albert Rogers aka...........Obama. Go Home.
My favorite guy of the night was
Scott Dangerfield, the student teacher from ??????? If he doesnt make it to the top 12, I will eat my toenails.....lol.
Then there was
Alyson Jados, who i am designating or AI season 10 rocker chick(Until someone dethrones her,which is highly possible). Rock on ,Alyson.
Most touching story of the evening hands down, went to
Chris medina,who happened to be an awesome singer as well.If he doesnt make it,well, its probably just because because he had a bad audition in Hollywood. He is on my list as well. You can read about his heart breaking story
here . What a guy.
My favorite female of the evening goees to
Molly Swinson.the harvard graduate and White House intern. Wow. What a soulful voice. She will make it for sure, but ifshe doesnt, at least she has something to fall back on........
An honorable mention goes to confederate soldier
nathaniel Jones, who sang the Lion Sleeps tonight. What a funny guy. His dad, is not, i repeat, is not a Hippie............
So my picks for the Milwaukee auditions are Jerome Bell. Molly Swinson, Scott dangerfield, and Chris medina. Lets see how they do..............