Essential.Absoloutely necessary or indispensable.A basic element or chief point. My name is Rachel. Welcome to my blog. Here I will ramble about all of the necessary elements of my life.Thanks for stopping by =)
Friday, January 28, 2011
AI 10: Nashville Auditions
OMG, Ive got two words for you America. Lauren Alaina . Theres just nothing more to say about the Nashville Auditions. That girl can blow.They might as well shut everything down, because she is going to win, and if she doesnt win, she will at least make it to top 5. Lord have mercy. Watch the video. She almost made Steven Tyler cry. And their duet gave me goosebumps.Wow.Normally I wouldnt give props to someone soo young, but wow.She stole the show.
Some other noteworthy auditions that I dont want to leave out:Matt Dilliard, Jackie Wilson(lose the old guy) ,Adrian Beasley(I have never heard a black girl talk like that before....lol), Jimmie Allen(too much like Jerome, they wont both make it), and Paul MacDonald.

American Idol:Season 10
Ok, it has been at least 2 seasons or more since I have blogged about AI Since the talent has been, in my opinion, over the top this year, i have decided to pick back up the AI torch. I am not bragging or anything, but I have called the winner out from nearly the beginning almost every season. With the exception of Kris Allen......... Can I just say, and Id never thought Id be saying this, how much I love Steven Tyler. I have never been a huge fan,except for his early 90s stuff, but man, I think he is just what this show needed. I like jennifer too, and I am soo glad randy is still there to keep them in line............
Well, today I wanted to blog about the Milwaukee auditions, and I am going to try to blog regularly.
Ok, so I am kindve glad they decided to lower the age requirement. ,man, the 15 year olds have been tearing this thing up. I feel kindve bad for the "older ones" My thought is that if they are going to lower the age requirements, they should up it as well(Hint hint)
So, Miwaukee, lets start with Scotty, their very first audition. man, what a voice. But, in my opinion, he sounded a little too much like Josh Turner and it sounded too forced. Hes good, but I dont think he'll make it to the top 24.......
Bring in Emma, the 15 year old who drove herself and her entire family 16 hours to the auditions. Very pretty voice. I liked her song pick, true colors by Cindi Lauper. Randy made the comment that she would get eaten up in Hollywood, and not in a good way. I would have to agree. She just doesnt seem to have the maturity, but we shall see.
Next, there was Naima aka "the toliet scrubber". While I dont necessarily like her voice, or at least her audition, I think she has an awesome look, a very marketable one. I think, if she does make it through, she will go far based on that. How awesome of a story that would be. From toilet scrubber to pop star. Sounds like a good made for TV movie =)
Ok, did anyone catch the 54 year old dentist Chris kammer? They only showed him for about 5 seconds. What a pathetic sad attempt at trying to become the next "Pants on the ground" guy "get out the Brush, get out the brush......"
Then there was Jerome Bell,the wedding barmitzvah singing guy. I have a really hard time picturing this guy singing at a barmitzvah....lol. and i know i spelt barmitzvah wrong. He sung marvin gayes Lets get it on. Very strong audition, he will be in the top 24 for sure........
15 year old Thia megia(try saying that 5 times fast) came in and sang "Chasing pavements. Another 15 yr old going to Hollywood, as does haley Reinhart...............she was just Ok for me.
Then there was vernicka"loving you is easy". She said no to Hollywood.Vernicka, you are beautiful, but you couldnt sing..........and well, if you think you are fat, maybe you should try Biggest Loser.....lol
Daycare Worker Tiwan Strong gets the award for best reaction from supporters........."To God be the Glory" To God be the GLory". I think he'll make top 24.
Next was the accountant Steve Beghun, who shocked us all. I dont think he'll get far, but for a number cruncher, he was alright.............
Albert Rogers aka...........Obama. Go Home.
My favorite guy of the night was Scott Dangerfield, the student teacher from ??????? If he doesnt make it to the top 12, I will eat my toenails.....lol.
Then there was Alyson Jados, who i am designating or AI season 10 rocker chick(Until someone dethrones her,which is highly possible). Rock on ,Alyson.
Most touching story of the evening hands down, went to Chris medina,who happened to be an awesome singer as well.If he doesnt make it,well, its probably just because because he had a bad audition in Hollywood. He is on my list as well. You can read about his heart breaking story here . What a guy.
My favorite female of the evening goees to Molly Swinson.the harvard graduate and White House intern. Wow. What a soulful voice. She will make it for sure, but ifshe doesnt, at least she has something to fall back on........
An honorable mention goes to confederate soldier nathaniel Jones, who sang the Lion Sleeps tonight. What a funny guy. His dad, is not, i repeat, is not a Hippie............
So my picks for the Milwaukee auditions are Jerome Bell. Molly Swinson, Scott dangerfield, and Chris medina. Lets see how they do..............
Well, today I wanted to blog about the Milwaukee auditions, and I am going to try to blog regularly.
Ok, so I am kindve glad they decided to lower the age requirement. ,man, the 15 year olds have been tearing this thing up. I feel kindve bad for the "older ones" My thought is that if they are going to lower the age requirements, they should up it as well(Hint hint)
So, Miwaukee, lets start with Scotty, their very first audition. man, what a voice. But, in my opinion, he sounded a little too much like Josh Turner and it sounded too forced. Hes good, but I dont think he'll make it to the top 24.......
Bring in Emma, the 15 year old who drove herself and her entire family 16 hours to the auditions. Very pretty voice. I liked her song pick, true colors by Cindi Lauper. Randy made the comment that she would get eaten up in Hollywood, and not in a good way. I would have to agree. She just doesnt seem to have the maturity, but we shall see.
Next, there was Naima aka "the toliet scrubber". While I dont necessarily like her voice, or at least her audition, I think she has an awesome look, a very marketable one. I think, if she does make it through, she will go far based on that. How awesome of a story that would be. From toilet scrubber to pop star. Sounds like a good made for TV movie =)
Ok, did anyone catch the 54 year old dentist Chris kammer? They only showed him for about 5 seconds. What a pathetic sad attempt at trying to become the next "Pants on the ground" guy "get out the Brush, get out the brush......"
Then there was Jerome Bell,the wedding barmitzvah singing guy. I have a really hard time picturing this guy singing at a barmitzvah....lol. and i know i spelt barmitzvah wrong. He sung marvin gayes Lets get it on. Very strong audition, he will be in the top 24 for sure........
15 year old Thia megia(try saying that 5 times fast) came in and sang "Chasing pavements. Another 15 yr old going to Hollywood, as does haley Reinhart...............she was just Ok for me.
Then there was vernicka"loving you is easy". She said no to Hollywood.Vernicka, you are beautiful, but you couldnt sing..........and well, if you think you are fat, maybe you should try Biggest Loser.....lol
Daycare Worker Tiwan Strong gets the award for best reaction from supporters........."To God be the Glory" To God be the GLory". I think he'll make top 24.
Next was the accountant Steve Beghun, who shocked us all. I dont think he'll get far, but for a number cruncher, he was alright.............
Albert Rogers aka...........Obama. Go Home.
My favorite guy of the night was Scott Dangerfield, the student teacher from ??????? If he doesnt make it to the top 12, I will eat my toenails.....lol.
Then there was Alyson Jados, who i am designating or AI season 10 rocker chick(Until someone dethrones her,which is highly possible). Rock on ,Alyson.
Most touching story of the evening hands down, went to Chris medina,who happened to be an awesome singer as well.If he doesnt make it,well, its probably just because because he had a bad audition in Hollywood. He is on my list as well. You can read about his heart breaking story here . What a guy.
My favorite female of the evening goees to Molly Swinson.the harvard graduate and White House intern. Wow. What a soulful voice. She will make it for sure, but ifshe doesnt, at least she has something to fall back on........
An honorable mention goes to confederate soldier nathaniel Jones, who sang the Lion Sleeps tonight. What a funny guy. His dad, is not, i repeat, is not a Hippie............
So my picks for the Milwaukee auditions are Jerome Bell. Molly Swinson, Scott dangerfield, and Chris medina. Lets see how they do..............
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Future Coupon Mama?
Ok, so a few weeks ago, I watched a TV show called extreme couponing and it really intrigued me. They introduced three extreme couponers(one who even dumpter dives for them, talk about whack job....lol), who go on shopping trips and save literally thousands of dollars in product.They all had stockpiles of grocery and toiletry items that they literally get for pennies on the dollar. At first I thought that this was a bit cukoo, but alot of times they donate the stuff to food banks. And its always good to be prepared.
Couponing is always something I have wanted to try, but it just seemed like too much of an effort to me. Clipping out all of those coupons,etc. But I think I am going to go for it, and for the next month, I have vowed not to go to the grocery store unless I have at least 8-10 coupons to use. I went to coupon clippers and ordered a bunch of coupons to get me started. My next step is to get some sort of organizer, and you know me, it will be a pretty crafty one..........
In the meantime,check out Hip2Save for some awesome deals. Future coupon mama? eh, maybe.
Couponing is always something I have wanted to try, but it just seemed like too much of an effort to me. Clipping out all of those coupons,etc. But I think I am going to go for it, and for the next month, I have vowed not to go to the grocery store unless I have at least 8-10 coupons to use. I went to coupon clippers and ordered a bunch of coupons to get me started. My next step is to get some sort of organizer, and you know me, it will be a pretty crafty one..........
In the meantime,check out Hip2Save for some awesome deals. Future coupon mama? eh, maybe.

Friday, January 21, 2011
From Messes to Masterpiece
I have a dear friend who is an amazing artist. The things she creates on canvas , if you saw them, would literally take your breathe away.She takes no credit for her works of art,she simply holds the brush,and lets God do the rest.Painting can be a messy hobby, as with any artistic sort of hobby. I imagine the paint often gets spilled, and maybe she has even gotten it on her clothing a time or two. But after the mess has been cleaned, here sits this beautiful work of art, a masterpiece, for her and others to enjoy.
Art and painting are alot like life. We all start with a blank canvas,filling it as we go with the various events of our lives.The brush is a representation of what controls us,whether it be other people, our own thoughts, wants or desires,various situations in our lives, you get the idea .As long as we, not God, are in control of the brush, we will be left with alot of messes to clean up. Its only when we allow God to take ahold of the brush that he can take our mess,whether it is created by ourselves,others, or just life in general, and turn it into a masterpiece for us to enjoy.That is also where his restoration comes in,after all he does have to restore what we ultimately screwed up
This gets me to thinking about other types of art in general.Anyone that knows me knows that I am crafty. But what alot of people dont know is that I like to take things that would normally be thrown away in the trash, like cans, old boxes,records,and the like, and make altered functional pieces out of them. I like to give something that which otherwise be discarded new purpose and meaning,and make it beautiful.This is what God loves to do for us. He gets such pleasure and joy out of picking us up, molding and fashioning us into a beautiful piece of art. But we have to be willing.
My friend, if you are hurting, carrying around your past mess ups and wrongdoings, or maybe troubled by something someone else has done to you, well, you dont have to be.It was never intended to be our burden to carry. Give it to God so he can create something beautiful out of it. A Masterpiece.
Rachel =)
Art and painting are alot like life. We all start with a blank canvas,filling it as we go with the various events of our lives.The brush is a representation of what controls us,whether it be other people, our own thoughts, wants or desires,various situations in our lives, you get the idea .As long as we, not God, are in control of the brush, we will be left with alot of messes to clean up. Its only when we allow God to take ahold of the brush that he can take our mess,whether it is created by ourselves,others, or just life in general, and turn it into a masterpiece for us to enjoy.That is also where his restoration comes in,after all he does have to restore what we ultimately screwed up
This gets me to thinking about other types of art in general.Anyone that knows me knows that I am crafty. But what alot of people dont know is that I like to take things that would normally be thrown away in the trash, like cans, old boxes,records,and the like, and make altered functional pieces out of them. I like to give something that which otherwise be discarded new purpose and meaning,and make it beautiful.This is what God loves to do for us. He gets such pleasure and joy out of picking us up, molding and fashioning us into a beautiful piece of art. But we have to be willing.
My friend, if you are hurting, carrying around your past mess ups and wrongdoings, or maybe troubled by something someone else has done to you, well, you dont have to be.It was never intended to be our burden to carry. Give it to God so he can create something beautiful out of it. A Masterpiece.
Rachel =)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Hap Hap Happy New year
Wow. January. Can we just slow down already?This month is always the craziest. Its always the month I feel the most hopeful, yet the most down. Its the one month you just wish would hurry up,but then again dont want it to go too fast because that would make it February and who is ready for that? Im not. Something soo refreshing about "starting anew" and yet soo scary about the uncertainty of whats to come. Yep, thats january for you.
So, this year my motto is "No regrets",and my goalis to do everything I have "thought about" doing the past several years. Getting a part time job, and going back to school to name just a few. I am finally starting to realize, I think that things truly are possible if you just put your mind to them.I am looking into medical transcriptioning as well as a few other things.There are ways and methods and systems. You just have to find your way around them or through them.
A Little weight loss update, I didnt win the competition, I got 2nd place(sigh). I ended up losing 24 pounds in 6 weeks which is pretty stinking good. After the competition, I decided to pout a little while and just kindve get off course a little bit, and gained like about 8 of it back. I really need to get back on track. It has been soo hard to get back on track after the holidays.
So, thats just a little bit of an update.Happy New Year everyone.May this be the best year ever for you and yours.May you make lemons out of lemonade and learn and grow from each experience life throws at you.
So, this year my motto is "No regrets",and my goalis to do everything I have "thought about" doing the past several years. Getting a part time job, and going back to school to name just a few. I am finally starting to realize, I think that things truly are possible if you just put your mind to them.I am looking into medical transcriptioning as well as a few other things.There are ways and methods and systems. You just have to find your way around them or through them.
A Little weight loss update, I didnt win the competition, I got 2nd place(sigh). I ended up losing 24 pounds in 6 weeks which is pretty stinking good. After the competition, I decided to pout a little while and just kindve get off course a little bit, and gained like about 8 of it back. I really need to get back on track. It has been soo hard to get back on track after the holidays.
So, thats just a little bit of an update.Happy New Year everyone.May this be the best year ever for you and yours.May you make lemons out of lemonade and learn and grow from each experience life throws at you.
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