For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about,let me fill you in.Set in the world of male strippers, Magic Mike is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum in a story inspired by his real life. The film follows Mike (Tatum) as he takes a young dancer called The Kid (Alex Pettyfer) under his wing and schools him in the fine arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money. It is soft porn or as I have heard some describe "mommy porn".Its disgusting.
Channing Tatum. The very mention of his name makes women old and young alike swoon. I will admit, while I definately think he is a genetic gift to the world(after all everything God creates is beautiful), he is just a human being like the rest of us, and really isnt all that special. At least not to me. That being said I am a fan of his acting. I am also a fan of Matthew McConaughey, who co-stars in the movie. Or at least I was. He is one of my favorite actors.Speaking from a fan standpoint,Channing and Matthew, what you did in this movie is nothing short of prostitution. Prostitution can be defined as to offer (a person, esp oneself, or a person's talent) for unworthy purposes. You guys are nothing but a bunch of glorified prostitutes in my eyes,offering your talents and your bodies in exchange for the almighty dollar. Because of you, women everywhere are cheating on their spouses(more on that in a second). It makes me soo sad.
Its movies like this that lead women to have unrealistic expectations that will never be met. In the bible it says "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart" . This scripture not only applies to men, but women as well. If you look at a man lustfully you have already committed adultery. You wouldnt be ok with your guy watching "Magic Marissa", and if you say you are, then you'd be lying.
Id like to note, that before i end this that I wrote this over a month and a half But Im still pretty furious.......

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