Essential.Absoloutely necessary or indispensable.A basic element or chief point. My name is Rachel. Welcome to my blog. Here I will ramble about all of the necessary elements of my life.Thanks for stopping by =)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Oh yeah :-)
So, next week Obama is giving yet another speech(whats up with all the speeches, my goodness), so idol will be on Wedensday. And its motown week......Im only going to get to watch bits and pieces(I dont have dvr.........snif snif).
My top three predictions are as follows: Danny, Adam, and Allison. She will definately be the last girl standing................
Thats all for now
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Country Week on Idol
Tonight was country night, with special guest randy travis. I kept expecting someone to bust out with a randy song, but there was no randy Travis Love this evening. I think forever and ever amen would have been cool...........Michael sarver was first. He was the only one, besides Allison to pick something kindve peppy, so he gets big points for that.He also gets cutie points from me.He did garth's aint going down til the sun comes up. Next was Allison, and she did Blame it on your heart by Patty Loveless, a very good choice indeed. She rocked it, my favorite girl for sure. Top three material. Kris Allen did To make you feel my Love, another garth song. OMG it was amazing,this was his best night yet. He reminds me of a 13 yr old, he just looks soo for that reason, no cute points from me. Hes probably my least favorite guy, but who knows, that may change if he continues to do what he did tonight.Lil did a really bad performance of martina's independence day, very bad choice of song for her,what a shame............. My favorite performance tonight, hands down was Anoop. he totally redeemed himself from last week with Willie Nelson's you were always on my was spectacular..........
Last week I had the privelege of hearing danny sing for the first time, and he is by far my favorite. But his song choice tonight wasnt that great. I think Carrie Underwood would definately approve, however.Poor megan Joy, i feel soo bad for her, I hope she gets some rest this week. her voice is starting to grow on me, but she did that stupid dance tonight, and i hate it. She needs to do something more contemporary, she has been doing too many old songs. reminds me alot of Nora Jones........
Adam just really creeped me out tonight with that whole egyptian thing. I did not like it at all. I am starting to like him less and less.He had me at satisfaction,but no more.
So, all that said,my pics to go home, based solely on their performance tonight are eiether Alexis, Lil, or megan Joy. If Lil or Megan gets picked the judges may use their save..........but I think they would let Alexis go.
We'll find out tomorrow.............
weighty issues
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Better to have loved and lost, than _________

RIP Selena Barajas March 27,2002-March 14,2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wildcard Picks
Von Smith
Jasmine Murray
Ricky Braddy
Megan Joy Corkrey
Tatiana Del Toro
Matt Giraud
Jesse Langseth
Anoop Desai
Im not at all happy with the choices right now, and I really think Ju'Not and Felecia, and Kristin should have been considered.I would love to pick the judges brains . Its not at all a vocal competition, but a popularity one, and that is becoming more and more evident.
My pics for wildcard:Anoop,Matt, and Jesse, but we all know that wont happen.I really hope Megan doesnt do that dance thing again.
So, who will finish off the final 12? We will soon find out.........
We'll see how it plays out, Im afraid to even watch.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Idol Thoughts Week 3
I was right on last week(except for Cris), with Adam and Allison,so we will see.........
I predict America will send the following on:
Scott,Lil Rounds, and JU'Not
Rachel's picks are Scott,Kristen,and eiether Felicia or Ju'Not
Wild card predictions: Jorge for sure, and any of my other favorites that may not make it.
I didnt catch the name of Vons song, but I know it was marvin gaye. That pretty much sums up his
Taylor-very Demi Lovato-ish. I cant beleive she sung the same song that she did in Hollywood,thats not very smart. Not to mention that song has been beaten to death with the idol contestant beat-up stick(sorry, couldnt think of a better Good song, its just been done way too many times. Go home sweetie :-( And whats up with Karas shopping comment? What does shopping and personality have to do with good vocals?lol
Alex- Oh my goodness, this guy is just, well, um, weird. I loved Simons Old hamster trying to be a tiger comment. I would say he has more of a gerbil like Elton, poor Elton.
Arianna aka "Button girl"- Abba? Are you kidding me? Why would a 17 year old pick something like that. Bad song choice. She had a few nice runs in the middle though.........

Ju'not- I liked him, my prediction is that he will be this seasons Chekeezie,but better. They have to have a black man in the group, I think its a general
Kristin- I liked her, very distinct quality to her voice. What was up with all the fashion comments? I thought this was idol, not Project Runway. I think she looked fine.
Nathaniel- you know, i actually kindve liked him, and he was on my list,until I heard the rest of the guys, then he got knocked down.Way down. I thought the meatloaf choice was interesting. It was a little dry,however,and did not leave me hungry for more.
Felicia- I am really glad they brought this girl back. Shes on my list. I know it must have been hard for her to leave her baby(and LIl Rounds to leave hers as well). I didnt like the song choice, i dont think it showed off her range very well. But like she says, everything happens for a reason, and i am hoping she comes back.
Scott- I have really enjoyed him since day one,hes different and unique. He has a very Josh Groban like quality to his voice............he did not dissapoint tonight.
Kendall- Honey, this is not Nashville Star. It was very pitchy. But she looked great,loved the dress.Very Kellie Pickler-ish.Texas is not very well represented this year,oh well, thats what they get for not coming here.........
Lil Rounds- I really like her. I loved the call the show if you want me comments she put in the song,very clever.I like the fact that she has three kids and is a mom, unlike alot of the other female r and B singers out there. I guess, for me personally, i am just looking for something fresh and for someone whose style hasnt been done 1000 times over. i think it would be cool to see her do a country song and make it her own.
Jorge Nunez- I personally didnt care for him, had great vocals, very Marc Anthony, I think he will be back on the wild card show.
My wild card predictions for next week: Kai Kalama, Jorge Nunez,Mishavonna henson, Matt Giraud,Anoop, and Stevie