I was right on last week(except for Cris), with Adam and Allison,so we will see.........
I predict America will send the following on:
Scott,Lil Rounds, and JU'Not
Rachel's picks are Scott,Kristen,and eiether Felicia or Ju'Not
Wild card predictions: Jorge for sure, and any of my other favorites that may not make it.
I didnt catch the name of Vons song, but I know it was marvin gaye. That pretty much sums up his performance.....lol.
Taylor-very Demi Lovato-ish. I cant beleive she sung the same song that she did in Hollywood,thats not very smart. Not to mention that song has been beaten to death with the idol contestant beat-up stick(sorry, couldnt think of a better name....lol). Good song, its just been done way too many times. Go home sweetie :-( And whats up with Karas shopping comment? What does shopping and personality have to do with good vocals?lol
Alex- Oh my goodness, this guy is just, well, um, weird. I loved Simons Old hamster trying to be a tiger comment. I would say he has more of a gerbil like quality......lol.Poor Elton, poor Elton.
Arianna aka "Button girl"- Abba? Are you kidding me? Why would a 17 year old pick something like that. Bad song choice. She had a few nice runs in the middle though.........

Ju'not- I liked him, my prediction is that he will be this seasons Chekeezie,but better. They have to have a black man in the group, I think its a general rule.....lol.
Kristin- I liked her, very distinct quality to her voice. What was up with all the fashion comments? I thought this was idol, not Project Runway. I think she looked fine.
Nathaniel- you know, i actually kindve liked him, and he was on my list,until I heard the rest of the guys, then he got knocked down.Way down. I thought the meatloaf choice was interesting. It was a little dry,however,and did not leave me hungry for more.
Felicia- I am really glad they brought this girl back. Shes on my list. I know it must have been hard for her to leave her baby(and LIl Rounds to leave hers as well). I didnt like the song choice, i dont think it showed off her range very well. But like she says, everything happens for a reason, and i am hoping she comes back.
Scott- I have really enjoyed him since day one,hes different and unique. He has a very Josh Groban like quality to his voice............he did not dissapoint tonight.
Kendall- Honey, this is not Nashville Star. It was very pitchy. But she looked great,loved the dress.Very Kellie Pickler-ish.Texas is not very well represented this year,oh well, thats what they get for not coming here.........
Lil Rounds- I really like her. I loved the call the show if you want me comments she put in the song,very clever.I like the fact that she has three kids and is a mom, unlike alot of the other female r and B singers out there. I guess, for me personally, i am just looking for something fresh and for someone whose style hasnt been done 1000 times over. i think it would be cool to see her do a country song and make it her own.
Jorge Nunez- I personally didnt care for him, had great vocals, very Marc Anthony, I think he will be back on the wild card show.
My wild card predictions for next week: Kai Kalama, Jorge Nunez,Mishavonna henson, Matt Giraud,Anoop, and Stevie
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